- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 4 months ago:
The cybertruck is already illegal here in the EU since it doesn’t comply with pedestrian safety laws.
- Comment on Stop Killing Games is a new campaign to stop developers making games unplayable 11 months ago:
Not everyone in a game studio is a developer
- Comment on Never occurred to me to use it this way until my brother came to visit. 11 months ago:
You know you could do that since forever with a laptop, yeah?
Laptop gamers are having LAN parties every single day.
Even though I have multiple desktops, I couldn’t live without the flexibility of gaming wherever I want. It becomes so much more social if the person you are playing with sits next to you.
But good on you that you discovered the wonderfulness that is LAN. (yeah I know it is online, you get what I am saying)
- Comment on Never occurred to me to use it this way until my brother came to visit. 11 months ago:
You’re paying with your time in the queue
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
That does prevent you from finding new movies you like though.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
Oh noo, kids have it less shitty today, how horrible for them.
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
Going spelunking? Whatever floats your boat
Crawling into a small crack? Dangerous.
But why the fuck did he go into it head first?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yes, I was there.
People always look weird at me for talking to myself.
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
Hope it will be good, the game will have to last 3 console generations anyway.
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
Except for the online.
That will be bad and full of microtransactions
- Comment on Air: Where did that bring you? Back to me. 1 year ago:
Even if the water is used from a river, the heat still gets dissipated into the air from the surface of that river.
So river cooling is still just air cooling with extra steps.
- Comment on this AI thing 1 year ago:
If it was only guessing, it would never be able to create a single functioning program. Which it has, numerously.
This isn’t some infinite monkeys on typewriter stuff.
It writes and can check itself if it is correct.
I’ve seen ChatGPT write an entire Website in Wordpress, including setting up a MySQL database for users, by a user stating their wishes vocally in a microphone and then not touching the computer once.
How is that guessing?
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Must be the vaccines
- Comment on THE DAY HATH COME 1 year ago:
Welcome to Lemmy Shitpost
I would say I will be your guide, but I can not be fucked to do so.
Also I don’t give guided tours to alchemical white powder, don’t got the nose for it.
- Comment on THE DAY HATH COME 1 year ago:
I was confused for a sec because I thought he died.
MFer is still walking around with that weird punchable face.
- Comment on In the age of public salary-range listings, some jobseekers feel duped 1 year ago:
Yeah, definitely.
Had a low-balled offer once, and since I didn’t have an other offer, I signed. It was still better then the wage I had at the time.
But I kept searching, and finally found a company that did pay me what I wanted.
So when it was about time for me to go work at the new job, I said I quit. They were waiting on me for 10 weeks. Felt really good.
Told them the reason was the wage, if they didn’t try to pay me less then what I was asking, I wouldn’t have been searching in the first place.
They only have themselves to blame.
- Comment on In the age of public salary-range listings, some jobseekers feel duped 1 year ago:
At least shout at them to say they can contact you again when their promised wage is exactly the same as the one stated on the listing, and not a cent less.
- Comment on In the age of public salary-range listings, some jobseekers feel duped 1 year ago:
I’m sure the employers who couldn’t scam their employees cared.
They are the ones that made sharing your wage a taboo.
- Comment on Onions are a violation of the terms of service. 1 year ago:
If all those comments happen in the same 5 minutes, it is still spam.
- Comment on Bethesda Is Responding to Negative Reviews of Starfield on Steam 1 year ago:
I just wonder how someone can encounter randomly generated content when all these handcrafted locations exists where all the story and quests happen.
I played like 30 hours before I even came across random generated content.
And those things definitely felt like end-game stuff.
- Comment on subs > dubs 1 year ago:
Why do you think we care about your opinion?
- Comment on subs > dubs 1 year ago:
I watch anime for the beautiful animation (not necessary the “plot”)
Having text plastered all over it kinda takes away from it.
So I will watch Dub every time.
It is also a great way to check if an anime is good, since they don’t put so much effort in to dub something mediocre (usually)
- Comment on Not if the lack of grammar and education gets you first... 1 year ago:
Why would we do that? Anti-vaxxers do that to themselves more than enough.
- Comment on Not if the lack of grammar and education gets you first... 1 year ago:
Not enough space to leave any sort of retort.
- Comment on We never see the moon's turtle though 🤔 1 year ago:
They have their own little discworlds.
- Comment on Court rules Gabe Newell must appear in person to testify in Steam anti-trust lawsuit 1 year ago:
Doesn’t matter how good the service is if they break consumer laws.
Valve shouldn’t be able to control the prices on other storefronts. That is out of their jurisdiction.
- Comment on Real Love 1 year ago:
Yeah, but it wasn’t consensual.
- Comment on In the Hamas/Israel war, why does Palestine have "hostages" but Israel has "prisoners"? 1 year ago:
I mean, especially in a community called “No Stupid Questions”